€ 7.50

Sasha Bordeaux is in the embarrassing position of being rescued from two police officers by her employer in his guise as Batman. He tells her that the two, Renée Montoya and Crispus Allen are under the influence of Jervis Tetch, the Mad Hatter, but doesn't know how. Allen and Montoya are brought in and although Batman tells the Commissioner of his suspicions, they cannot simply be released. There is also a much larger problem - there is no indication just how many members of the police department could be similarly affected. Later, Bruce Wayne confronts Sasha Bordeaux - he cannot allow her to risk her life trying to protect him as Batman, but since she knows his secret, he can't fire her either. He sends her out to buy a cup of coffee from the vendor outside GCPD headquarter, as she said she suspected it may be the cause of the problem.