GREEN LANTERN #120#122#123#124 - DC COMICS (2000)

€ 7.00


Kyle Rayner is in his apartment and in deep thoughts regarding his love life when suddenly Alan Scott appears behind him. Alan just wants to pick up the remaining stuff belonging to his daughter Jade. Kyle again wants to talk to her, but apparently Jade does not think there is anything else left to say. It is very early in the morning, but Kyle still hopes to get some coffee at Radu's. Indeed, Kyle meets Radu in front of the shop, but then a sniper bullet pierces the window next to both of them. More shots are not fired and so Radu is able to explain who might be after him. When Radu lived in Romania he was a member of the secret police. But after marrying he and his wife Elena wanted to leave the country. A cruel colleague named Dracul was sent after them. Radu was able to flee, but Elena did not catch the train to Vienna and Radu never saw her again. Now it seems that Dracul wants to finish his job. Radu knows the gun shot was an invitation, so he intends to meet Dracul on the rooftop of the opposite building. Radu wants Kyle to stay away, but after a few minutes it is Green Lantern who interferes in a fight between Radu and Dracul. But Kyle is not careful enough and takes a bullet into his right shoulder. Seconds later Radu takes care of him, saying that Dracul slipped and fell off the roof. Radu calls Green Lantern by his real name as he knew all along about his secret identity. Kyle does not want to go into a hospital. Instead he calls Donna Troy who sits at Kyle's bedside until he feels better ...