JSA #16#17#18#19#20 - DC COMICS (2000)

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"INJUSTICE BE DONE" full storyline.
In Manhattan, Black Canary and Doctor Mid-Nite sit at a dinner table on a quiet date. They are suddenly attacked by Count Vertigo. Dr. Mid-Nite uses a Blackout Bomb to escape with Dinah and change into their superhero clothes. At a movie theater, Sand and Wildcat talk during a movie when two gentlemen behind them tell them to keep it down. As they pick a fight, the two men reveal themselves to be Geomancer and Killer Wasp. Black Adam enters the fray as well to ambush the heroes.A mysterious force rips through various civilians across the world at incredible speeds. At JSA Headquarters, Mister Terrific points out the killings from the mysterious speedster spell out "CLARISS". Flash quickly realizes this is most likely Rival, his chemistry professor from Midwestern University. He explains he's tackled him before and has been trapped in the speed force since 1949. When Mr. Terrific expects the final destination to be Keystone City at the Garrick house, Jay rushes home to save his wife Joan Garrick.As Jay leaves headquarters, Icicle, Tigress, and Shiv show up to attack Mr. Terrific, Sentinel, Hawkgirl, and Courtney. Thinker reveals himself explaining he has lived in the JSA defense systems and has disarmed them to allow the Injustice Society into the building. When Sentinel attempts to block them with a green flame, Tigress came prepared and shoots a wooden shank, piercing Sentinel. The shank then transforms into Blackbriar Thorn. Thorn gloats that Ted should have burned all the pieces as he could always rebuild himself otherwise. Mr. Terrific rushes Sentinel to a secure room where Thinker can't hack in. Hawkgirl and Star-Spangled Kid prepare to play defense as Sentinel heals.In Keystone City, Jay stops Rival right as he is about to attack Joan.At the Labyrinth, Johnny Sorrow reveals his plan to kill the world with the King of Tears.