€ 12.95
The series revolves around the adventures of Chane, a bounty hunter who tracks down people who have broken their deal with the Devil. Bored and frustrated with her life, Chane accepts an unusual assignment. A miserly billionaire, Mr. Ball, learns he is dying, and wants forgiveness for his years of corruption and selfishness. He hires Chane to help him find God before he dies. Against direct orders from the Devil, Chane accepts the assignment and embarks on worldwide adventures in search of God. A treacherous encounter in the desert awakens something in Chane, and she begins the search for her own redemption.
The series revolves around the adventures of Chane, a bounty hunter who tracks down people who have broken their deal with the Devil. Bored and frustrated with her life, Chane accepts an unusual assignment. A miserly billionaire, Mr. Ball, learns he is dying, and wants forgiveness for his years of corruption and selfishness. He hires Chane to help him find God before he dies. Against direct orders from the Devil, Chane accepts the assignment and embarks on worldwide adventures in search of God. A treacherous encounter in the desert awakens something in Chane, and she begins the search for her own redemption.
Categoria COMICS