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December 31, 1620. Two groups of men, one Indian and the other European, come together in conflict. Before the battle can really begin, fire from the sky begins to strike the ground all around them. Afterwards the two groups unite and make amends.
December 31, 1999. Lex Luthor wields a hatchet as two Amazon women bear down on him. The three battle until Luthor's aide mentions Superman. The name breaks Lex's concentration and he concedes defeat. After dismissing Mercy and Hope, Luthor contemplates the New Years preparations he has made. Off of the Florida Keys Superman grabs El Piton, a small time criminal, from his ship filled with brainwashed passengers. Superman crashes through the hull of the ship and water begins to flow in, bringing the passengers back to their senses. Then hoisting the ship above his head, Superman begins to fly back to their homeland.